To sell with confidence |
0.00 CAD |
(Laval/Laval-ouest) | (Offre - Commercial) |
*** Toute une aubaine ! *** I commit myself to find the best buyer for your property while giving you the benefit of our very advantageous service, from only 2% commission [2% in the case of direct sales, 4% in the case a sales with a collaborating agent, minimum $ 2,000], Network MLS / SIA and Matrix included!
You will also enjoy our new program VisibiliT. Thus, your property will automatically be announced on 10 highly visited websites without additional cost.
Donald Gagné
Affiliated real estate agent for Proprio Direct
Off. : 514.856.4444, poste 408
Cell. : 514.433.7166
Fax. : 450.719.0216
Proprio Direct inc, courtier immobilier agréé
3899, autoroute des Laurentides, bur. 200
H7L 3H7 Laval (Québec)
Visit http://www.ProprioDirect.com !
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| Publiée le: 2010-03-31 15:38:45 |
| Carte Geographique de l'annonceur | |
Nom: | Gagné | Prénom: | Donald |
Ville | Laval/Laval-ouest |
Pays | Canada |
Code Postale | H7R 5N8 |
Téléphone | |
Tél. Celluaire | |
Site Web | |
