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Annonce # 1448988254
DVD: "How to Use Dianetics" 30.00 CAD
(Offre - Particulier)

This where how you and a friend will find out firsthand that Dianetics IS exactly what it says it is in the book: a method of erasing all of the pain out of a person's lifetime.
Just imagine someone who had never had anything bad happen to them in their entire life. They would be pretty happy, right?
Well, this dvd shows clearly the exact procedure of how each of you is going start to really erase that pain for the other.
Each of you may very well do the greatest thing any friend has ever done for another, as the gift you give each other will be with each one of you for the rest of your lives.
"Dianetics is an adventure. Treat it like an adventure and may you never be the same again".-L.Ron Hubbard

Publiée le: 2015-12-01 11:44:15

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