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DIANABOL naposim 1000tab/5mg pour 130euro super prix |
130.00 EUR |
(Montreal/Ouest) | (Offre - Particulier) |
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may lara
pharmaceutical distributor
anabolic steroid product for sale
1.... bionabol (d-bol) /pharmacia bulgary 100 tabs/5mg 15euro
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3....naposim (d-bol) /terapia romania 100 tabs/5mg 13 euro
4... thai anabol (d-bol) /british dispensary 1000tab/5mg 120 euro
5... thai danabol (d-bol) /british dispensary 500tab/10mg 120 euro
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12...stanabol (winstrol) /british dragon thailand 200tab/10mg 115 euro
13... restandol /organon holand 60 tabs/40mg of 38 euro
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injection stuff:
1....1 amp of deca durabolin (organon holand)2ml/100mg 6 euro
2....1 amp of deca durabolin (norma greece)2ml/100mg 5.5 euro
3....1 amp of winstrol depot (zambon spain)1ml/50mg 7 euro
4....1 amp of omnadren (jelfa poland)1ml/250mg 5.5 euro
5....1 amp of sustanon 250 (organon turkey)1ml/250mg 5.5 euro
6....1 amp of sustanon 250 (organon egiptyan or pakistan)1ml/250mg 7 euro
7....1 amp of testosterone depot-enantate (icn yugoslavia)1ml250mg 2.5 euro
8....1 amp of testosterone propionate (bulgary)1ml/50 mg 2.5 euro
9....1 amp of hexabolan (sarva gb) 3ml/150mg 24 euro
10. 1amp of primobolan depot (schering spain) 1ml/100mg 7euro
multidose injections:
10..1 amp of andrabolic - boldenone (argentina)5ml/100mg 20 euro
11..1 amp of metabolic - boldenone (argentina) 5ml/130ml 20 euro
12..1 amp of anabolic st (mexico/australia)20ml/50mg 80 euro
13..1 amp of malogen-testosteron suspensia (e.l.stickley& co canada)10ml/100mg 18 euro
14..1 amp of anabolic bd (boldenone)(mexico/australia)10ml/100mg 70 euro
15..1 amp of anabolic tl (mexico/australia) 80 euro
16..1 amp of anabolic dn (mexico/australia) out of stock for now
17..1 amp of mastabol(masteron) (british dragon/thailand)10ml/100mg 60 euro
18..1 amp of boldabol(boldenon) (british dragon/thailand)10ml/200mg 60 euro
19..1 amp of trenabol(parabolan) (british dragon/thailand)10ml/75mg 70 euro
20..1 amp of decabol nandrolone decanoate (british dragon) 10ml/250mg 60,00euro
21..1 kit of jintropin hgh 10iux10 (china) 300 euro
22..1 kit of igf-1 long r3 igtropin (china) 350 euro
23..1 amp of pregnyl hcg 1500 iu (organon holand) 5 euro
24..1 amp of pregnyl hcg 5000 iu (organon holand) 13 euro
british dragon gear (www.britishdragon.com )
01_andropen275 5* sustanon 10ml/275mg 55euro
02_averbol 25 methandienone 10ml/25mg 45euro
03_boldabol boldenone undeclynate 10ml/200mg 60euro
04_decabol nandrolone decanoate 10ml/250mg 50 euro
05_durabol nandrolone phenylpropionate 10ml/200mg 55euro
06_mastabol dromastanolone di-propionate 10ml/100mg 45euro
07_methanabol methandienone 500tab/10mg 110euro
08_oxanabol oxandrolone 50tab/10mg 75euro
09_oxydrol oxymetholone 100tab/50mg 110euro
10_primobol methenolone enanthate 10ml/100mg 40*
11_primobol methenolone acetate 30tab/50mg 50euro
12_stanabol stanozolol 100tab/10mg 45euro
13_testabol depot testosterone cypionate 10ml/100mg 45euro
14_testabol testosterone propionate 10ml/100mg 45euro
15_trenabol trenbolone acetate 10ml/75mg 60euro
16_trenabol depot trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 10ml/100mg 55euro
17_trinabol trenabolone acetate, trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate,
trenbolone enanthate 10ml/50mg of each trenbolone 60euro
18_turanabol chlorodehydromethyltestosterone 200tab/10mg 90euro
pain killers (per box):
(big % discount on orders over 50 boxes!!!)
1....xanax......(*alprazolam)... (0.5mg) 20 euro
2....xanax ......(*alprazolam)... (0.25mg) 15 euro
3....xalol...... (*alprazolam)...(1mg) 20 euro
(icn galenika)
4....diazepam...... (*valium) ... (10mg) 17 euro
(icn galenika)
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| Publiée le: 2010-12-22 05:21:23 |
| Carte Geographique de l'annonceur | |
Nom: | lara | Prénom: | may |
Ville | Montreal/Ouest |
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